Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 4: Windows 7 users need not apply – Ars Technica

Internet Explorer 10 Platform Preview 4: Windows 7 users need not apply
Ars Technica
The first two Platform Previews for Internet Explorer 10 were made available to users of Windows 7. This preview, however, is not. If you want to use it, you'll have to use the Windows 8 Developer Preview. The third preview was in the same position;
Microsoft delivers new IE 10 preview for Windows 8ZDNet (blog)
IE10 Platform Preview 4 Now Available for Windows 8 Developer PreviewMaximum PC
Microsoft Releases IE10 Preview 4 for Windows 8Redmond Developer News (blog)
Tom’s Hardware Guide –ConceivablyTech –Techwatch
all 30 news articles »

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Wednesday, November 30th, 2011 Windows 7

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